HOA Architectural Advisor Services

In addition to being a talented Architect, Mark is a skilled Architectural Advisor.

Mark currently serves as the Architectural Advisor for three HOAs – Starwood HOA, East Owl Creek HOA, and the Siena Valley Club HOA. He has worked at Starwood in Aspen as the Architectural Advisor for the past 16 years.  At Starwood he personally authored and maintains the current Starwood Architectural Procedures as well as overseeing all architectural aspects in the community. Mark has been on board with East Owl Creek for the past 4 years and helped the Neighborhood establish a new comprehensive set of Architectural Design Standards and Procedures and oversees all architectural projects at EOC. The Siena Valley Club is the newest HOA he is representing. This has been a great opportunity to join into this exciting new development in Gypsum Colorado. Mark joined the project in its earliest phases and has helped develop a new set of HOA Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures.

With his varied experience in the Roaring Fork Valley and beyond, he is aware of the requirements for compliance and the rules, regulations, and codes that pertain to development in this area. He is accustomed to a variety of opinions and positions of constituents and excels at developing solutions that satisfy all parties.

“My goal in every job is to listen carefully and respectfully and to work towards a positive conclusion for all. Having worked with the Starwood Architectural Committee and the Starwood Homeowners Association since 2008 I have a wealth of experience and knowledge to draw upon regarding issues of HOA precedents and politics, neighbor to neighbor negotiations, local code compliance, and regulations. I strive with every project in Starwood to create win/win solutions” Mark Noel